Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker


Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker © Karsten Palt
Foto ©: Karsten Palt
The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker ist ein vierstrahliges Luftbetankungs- and Frachtflugzeug des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Boeing Company.
Die KC-135 wurde ursprünglich von Pratt & Whitney J57-P-59W Turbojet (Einstrom-Strahltriebwerk) Triebwerken angetrieben (61,2 kN / 13750 lbf). Die maximale Treibstoffmenge zur Betankung bei der Variante KC-135R beträgt 90.719 kg / 200.000 lb. Die maximale Frachtzuladung beträgt 37.648 kg / 83.000 lb.
Antriebsart4 Turbofan Triebwerke
TriebwerkstypCFM Intl. F108-CF-100
Leistung je TW98,9 kN22224 lbf
alternativer Antrieb
Antriebsart4 Turbojet Triebwerke
TriebwerkstypPratt & Whitney J57-P-59W
Leistung je TW61,2 kN13750 lbf
max. Reisegeschwindigkeit854 km/h461 kts
  531 mph
Höchstgeschwindigkeit (vne)967 km/h522 kts
  601 mph
Mmo (max. Mach)Mach 0.8
Dienstgipfelhöhe15.240 m50.000 ft
Steigleistung1494 m/min4900 ft/min
Reichweite2.419 km1.306 NM
1.503 mi.
Leergewicht54.130 kg119.336 lbs
max. Startmasse146.284 kg322.500 lbs
Spannweite39,88 m130 ft 10 in
Tragflügelfläche226,0 m²2433 ft²
Länge41,53 m136 ft 3 in
Höhe12,69 m41 ft 8 in
Produktionsstatusnicht mehr in Produktion
ICAO CodeB703 C135 K35A K35E K35R
Daten für (Version)Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker
VariantenKC-135A, KC-135B, KC-135D, KC-135E, KC-135Q, KC-135R, KC-135RT, KC-135T

[Photo-ID: 10919] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-03
Boeing EC-135J Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 63-8057, c/n 18705,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
EC-135J Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 63-8057
c/n: 18705
Pima Air and Space Museum [Tucson, AZ]
[Photo-ID: 10920] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-03
Boeing EC-135J Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 63-8057, c/n 18705,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
EC-135J Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 63-8057
c/n: 18705
Pima Air and Space Museum [Tucson, AZ]
[Photo-ID: 11366] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-01
Boeing EC-135K Stratolifter, United States Air Force (USAF), 59-1518, c/n 18006,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
EC-135K Stratolifter
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 59-1518
c/n: 18006
retired 2003
AMARG - Boneyard [Tucson, AZ]
[Photo-ID: 10925] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-03
Boeing KC-135A, NASA, N931NA, c/n 18615,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
Reg.: N931NA
c/n: 18615
ex 63-7998
Pima Air and Space Museum [Tucson, AZ]
[Photo-ID: 10926] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-03
Boeing KC-135A, NASA, N931NA, c/n 18615,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
Reg.: N931NA
c/n: 18615
ex 63-7998
Pima Air and Space Museum [Tucson, AZ]
[Photo-ID: 11265] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-04
Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 55-3130, c/n 17246,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
KC-135A Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 55-3130
c/n: 17246
March Field Air Museum [Riverside, CA]
[Photo-ID: 11266] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-04
Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 55-3130, c/n 17246,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
KC-135A Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 55-3130
c/n: 17246
March Field Air Museum [Riverside, CA]
[Photo-ID: 13203] © Karsten Palt 2016-10-10
Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 55-3139, c/n 17255,© Karsten Palt, 2016Boeing
KC-135A Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 55-3139
c/n: 17255
Castle Air Museum [Atwater, CA]
[Photo-ID: 11367] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-01
Boeing KC-135E Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 57-1450, c/n 17521,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
KC-135E Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 57-1450
c/n: 17521
retired 2008
AMARG - Boneyard [Tucson, AZ]
[Photo-ID: 10067] © Karsten Palt 2014-05-30
Boeing KC-135E Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 57-1507, c/n 17578,© Karsten Palt, 2014Boeing
KC-135E Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 57-1507
c/n: 17578
Air Mobility Command Museum [Dover AFB, DE]
[Photo-ID: 10066] © Karsten Palt 2014-05-30
Boeing KC-135E Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 57-1507, c/n 17578,© Karsten Palt, 2014Boeing
KC-135E Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 57-1507
c/n: 17578
Air Mobility Command Museum [Dover AFB, DE]
[Photo-ID: 11368] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-01
Boeing KC-135E Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 59-1496, c/n 17984,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
KC-135E Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 59-1496
c/n: 17984
retired 2007
AMARG - Boneyard [Tucson, AZ]
[Photo-ID: 11369] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-01
Boeing KC-135E Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 61-0268, c/n 18175,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
KC-135E Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 61-0268
c/n: 18175
retired 2008
AMARG - Boneyard [Tucson, AZ]
[Photo-ID: 2305] © Karsten Palt 2009-06-19
Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 58-0036, c/n 17781,© Karsten Palt, 2009Boeing
KC-135R Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 58-0036
c/n: 17781
Luchtmachtdagen 2009 [Volkel (EHVK / UDE)]
[Photo-ID: 11969] © Karsten Palt 2001-07-27
Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker (717-148), United States Air Force (USAF), 57-2603, c/n 17739,© Karsten Palt, 2001Boeing
KC-135R Stratotanker (717-148)
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 57-2603
c/n: 17739
Royal International Air Tattoo 2001 [Royal Air Force Station Cottesmore (EGXJ)]
[Photo-ID: 12782] © Karsten Palt 2016-07-09
Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker (717-148), United States Air Force (USAF), 58-0100, c/n 17845/T0315,© Karsten Palt, 2016Boeing
KC-135R Stratotanker (717-148)
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 58-0100
c/n: 17845/T0315
Royal International Air Tattoo 2016 [RAF Fairford (EGVA / FFD)]
[Photo-ID: 11968] © Karsten Palt 2001-07-27
Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker (717-148), United States Air Force (USAF), 63-8879, c/n 18727,© Karsten Palt, 2001Boeing
KC-135R Stratotanker (717-148)
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 63-8879
c/n: 18727
Royal International Air Tattoo 2001 [Royal Air Force Station Cottesmore (EGXJ)]
[Photo-ID: 11370] © Karsten Palt 2015-06-01
Boeing NKC-135E Stratotanker, United States Air Force (USAF), 55-3132, c/n 17248,© Karsten Palt, 2015Boeing
NKC-135E Stratotanker
United States Air Force (USAF)
Reg.: 55-3132
c/n: 17248
retired 2008
AMARG - Boneyard [Tucson, AZ]