Glossary / list of aviation abbreviations

L.W.F. Model V Tractor  4  Narodni technicke muzeum Prague 2014-06-08, Photo by: Karsten Palt

Here you can find some abbreviations & terms in common use. All trademarks or product names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

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A-G Air to Ground
A/C Aircraft
A/l Anti-ice
A/P Autopilot
A/T Autothrottle
AA/A-AAir to Air
AAA Anti Aircraft Artillery
AAATS Australian Advanced Air Traffic Services
AAC Aeronautical Administration Communication
AAC Army Air Corps
AAM Air to Air Missile
AAR Air to Air Refueling
AAS Advanced Automation System
AATT Advanced Aviation Transportation Technology
AB Afterburner
ABAir Base
ACA Agile Combat Aircraft
ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
ACARS ARINC communications and address reporting system
ACAS Airborne Collision and Avoidance System
ACC Air Combat Command
ACF Area Control Facility
ACFS Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator
ACK Acknowledge
ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System
ACT Active
AD Air Defence
AD Airworthiness Directive
ADATS Air Defence Anti Tank System
ADC Air Data Computer
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADGB Air Defence of Great Britain
ADI Attitude Director lndicator
ADLP Aircraft Data Link Processor
ADMA Aviation Distributors and Manufactureres Association
ADO Approved Design Organisation
ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance
AECB Atomic Energy Control Board
AERA Automated Enroute ATC
AEW Airborne Early Warning
AFB Air Force Base
AFCENT Air Forces Central (Europe)
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System
AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System
AFNORTH Air Forces North (Europe)
AFRAfrica (region)
AFS Automatic Flight System
AFSOUTH Air Forces South (Europe)
AFTNAeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AGATE Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments
AGL Above Ground Level
AGM Air to Ground Missile
AGNA Advisory Group of National Authorities
AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIM Air Intercept Missile
AIPAeronautical Information Publication
AIRS Advanced Infrared Sounder
AL Allegheny
ALARM Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile
ALBM Air Launched Ballistic Missile
ALCM Air Launched Cruise Missile
ALPA Air Line Pilots Association
ALT Alternate
ALT Altitude
ALT HOLD Altitude Hold Mode
ALTN Alternate
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance
AMO Approved Maintenance Organisation
AMOSS Airline Maintenance and Operation Support System
AMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile
AMSS Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service
ANG Air National Guard
ANPActual Navigation Performance
ANPAir Navigation Plan
AOA Airport Operations Area
AOA Angle-of-Attack
AOC Aeronautical Operation Control
AOC Air Operator Certificate
AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control System
AOGAircraft On Ground
AOM Aircraft Operating Manual
AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
AP Armor Piercing
APA Allied Pilots Association
APC Aeronautical Passenger Communication
APMS Automated Performance Measurement System
APO Approved Production Organisation
APPR Approach/Approach Mode
APRT Airport
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
AQP Advanced Qualification Program
ARAC Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee
ARC Airworthiness Review Certificate
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
ARM Anti Radiation Missile
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARR Arrival
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
ARTS Automated Radar Terminal System
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASI Air Speed Indicator
ASM Air to Surface Missile
ASM Anti Submarine Missile
ASR Airport Surveillance Radar
ASRAAM Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missile
ASRS Aviation Safety Reporting System
ASTORAirborne Stand-Off Radar
ASW Anti Submarine Warfare
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
ATA Air Transport Association
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATCS Advanced Train Control Systems
ATCSCC Air Traffic Control System Command Center
ATHR Autothrust System
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATM Air Traffic Management
ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network
ATPL Airline Transport Pilot Licence
ATS Automatic Throttle System
ATSC Air Traffic Service Communications
AVAIL Available
AVHRR Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer
AWACS Airborne Warning And Control System
AWAS Automated Weather Advisory Station
AWIPS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System
AWO All Weather Operations

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BAC British Aircraft Company
BAe British Aerospace
BALPA British Air Line Pilots Association
BASIS British Airways Safety Information System
BEA Bureau d’Enquêtes Accidents (French equivalent of NTSB)
BFU Bundesstelle für Flugunfalluntersuchung (German equivalent of NTSB)
BIT(E) Built-ln-Test (Equipment)
BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System
BMVg German Ministry of Defense (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung)
BRG Bearing
BRT Brightness

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C Centigrade
CAA Civil Aviation Authority (Great Britain)
CAAC Civil Aviation Authority of China
CAB Civil Aeronautics Board
CAME Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Exposition
CAP Combat Air Patrol
CAS Calibrated (Computed) Air Speed
CAS Close Air Support (tactical)
CASA Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A. (Part of EADS)
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
CAT Clear Air Turbulence
CAT Computer Aided Testing
CBT Computer Based Training
CBU Cluster Bomb Unit
CDI Course Deviation Indicator
CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
CDU Control display unit
CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain
CG Center of Gravity
CGS Centimeter-gram-second
CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature
Cl Cost Index
CLB Climb Detent of the Thrust Levers
CLR Clear
CMC Central Maintenance Computer
CNS Communications, Navigation and Surveillance
CNS/ATMCommunications, Navigation and Surveillance / Air Traffic Management
CofA Certificate of Airworthiness
CofAE Certificate of Airworthiness for Export
COM Cockpit Operating Manual
COM Communication
CON Continuous
COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
COTS Commercial Off The Shelf
CP Control Panel
CPCS Cabin Pressure Control System
CPDLC Controller Pilot Datalink Communications
CPL Commercial Pilot Licence
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRM Cockpit Resource Management
CRM Crew Resource Management
CRS Certificate of Release to Service
CRS Course
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRZ Cruise
CSD Constant Speed Drive
CTA Control Area (ICAO Term)
CTA Controlled-Time of Arrival
CTAS Center TRACON Automation System
CTC Centralized Train Central
CTOL Conventional Take Off and Landing
CTR(Aerodrome) Control Zone
CTR Center
CTR Civil Tilt Rotor
CTRL Control
CWS Control Wheel Steering

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D Derated
D-TO NlDerated Takeoff Engine Fan Speed
D/D Drift Down
DA Descent Advisor
DADC Digital Air Data Computer
DATALINK Digitized Information Transfer (air/ground)
db decibel (acoustic measurement unit)
DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite
DC Direct Current Electricity
DCTDirect (route)
DE-TO PR Derated Takeoff Engine Pressure Ratio
DECR Decrement
DEL Delete
DEP Departure
DES Descent
DEST Destination
DEV Deviation
DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit
DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder
DFGS/C Digital Flight Guidance System/Computer
DGAC Civil Aviation Authority France
DGPS Differential GPS
DH Decision Height
DIR Direct
DIR/INTC Direct Intercept
DIS Distance
DISCR Discrepancy
DIST Distance
DLIR Downward Looking InfraRed
DLR German Aerospace Research Establishment (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt)
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DMU Data Management Unit
DNTKFX DownTrack Fix
DOD Department of Defense
DOT Department of Transportation
DRU Data Retrival Unit
DTG Distance-to-go
DZ Drop Zone

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E East
E/D End-of-Descent
E/O Engine-Out
EADI Electronic Attitude Director Indicator
EADS European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
EAS Equivalent Airspeed
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EC European Commission
ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor
ECM Electronic Counter Measures
ECON Economy
ECS Environmental Control System
EEC Electronic Engine Control
EFC Expected Further Clearance
EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator
EICAS Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System
EIU Electronic Interface Unit
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse
EMS Emergency Medical Services
ENG Engine
EPA European Part Approval
EPR Engine Pressure Ratio
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ESM Electronic Support Measures
EST Estimated
ETA EstimatedTime of Arrival
ETSO European Technical Standard Order
ETSOa European Technical Standard Order authorisation
ETX End of Transmission
EU European Union
EUREurope (region)
EW Electronic Warfare
EW Radar Early Warning Radar
EXEC Execute

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F Fahrenheit
F/D (FD) Flight Director
FA Final Approach
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAC Forward Air Controller
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAF Final Approach Fix
FANS Future Air Navigation System
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
FARP Forward Air Refuelling Point
FAST Final Approach Spacing Tool
FBO Fixed Based Operator
FBW Fly by Wire
FCC Flight Control Computer
FCL Flight Crew Licensing
FCU Flight Control Unit
FDAMS Flight Data Acquisition and Management System
FDC Flight Data Company
FDR Flight Data Recorder
FEATS Future European Air Traffic System
FF Fuel Flow
FGS/C Flight Guidance System/Computer
FIR Flight Information Region
Fix Position in space usually on aircraft's flight plan
FL Flight Level
FLCH Flight Level Change
FLIDRAS Flight Data Replay and Analysis System
FLIR Forward looking InfraRed
FLT Flight
FMA Flight Mode Annunciator
FMC Flight Management Computer
FMGC Flight Management Guidance Computer
FMGS Flight Management Guidance System
FMS Flight Management System
FO First officer
FOD Foreign Object Damage
FOQA Flight Operations Quality Assurance
FPA Flight Path Angle
FPA Focal Plane Array
FPM Feet Per Minute
FQIS Fuel Quantity Indicating System
FR From
FRA Flap Retraction Altitude
FREQ Frequency
FSF Flight Safety Foundation
FT Feet

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G/S Glideslope
GA General Aviation
GA Go-Around
GAF German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
GAR Go-Around
GAT General Aviation Terminal
GCA Ground-controlled Approach
GDLP Ground Data Link Processor
GE General Electric
GHz Gigahertz
GLLD Ground Laser Locator Designator
GM Guidance Material
GMT Greenwich MeanTime
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
GPU Ground Power Unit
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
GRAF Ground Replay and Analysis Facility
GRP Geographical Reference Points
GS Glide Slope
GS Ground Speed
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
GW Gross Weight

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HAC Hughes Aircraft Co.
HAI Helicopter Association International
HARM High Speed Anti Radiation Missile
HAS Hardened Aircraft Shelter
HBARO Barometric Altitude
HDG Heading
HDG SEL Heading Select
HDOT Inertial Vertical Speed
HE Altitude Error
HF High Frequency
HIRS High-Resolution Infrared Sounder
Hl High
HMS Her Majesty´s Ship
HP Holding Pattern
hp Horse Power (0.7456999 kw)
HPRES Pressure Altitude
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HUD Head-Up Display
HUMS Health and Usage Monitoring Systems

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IA Inspection Authorization
IAOA Indicated Angle-of-Attack
IAS Indicated Air Speed
ICAAS Integrated Control in Avionics for Air Superiority
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ID Identifier
IDENT Identification
IEPR Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio
IF Intermediate Frequency
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IFRB International Frequency Registration Board
IGFET Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
in.hg. inches of mercury
INBD Inbound
INFO Information
INIT Initialization
INR Image Navigation and Registration
INS Inertial Navigation System
INTC Intercept
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue
IPT Integrated Product Team
IR Infrared
IRD InfraRed Decoy
IRS Inertial Reference System
IRU Inertial Reference Unit
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISO International Standards Organization
ITU International Telecommunications Union

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JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
JaboG German Fighter Bomber Wing (Jagdbombergeschwader)
JAR Joint Aviation Requirements
JATO Jet Assisted Takeoff
JG German Fighter Wing (Jagdgeschwader)
JSRA Joint Sponsored Research Agreement
JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System

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KG Kilogram
kHz kilohertz
KIAS Knots Indicated Air Speed
km Kilometer
KT (kts) Knots (nautical miles/ hour)
KTAS Knots True Air Speed
kW Kilowatt

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L Left
LANTRIN Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting InfraRed Night
LAT Latitude
LBA Luftfahrtbundesamt (German Civial Aviation Authority)
LCN Local Communications Network.
LFR Low-frequency Radio Range
LGB Laser Guided Bomb
LIM Limit
LMM Compass locator at the middle marker
LNAV Lateral Navigation
LO Low
LOC Localizer Beam
LOE Line Oriented Evaluation
LOFT Line Oriented Flight Training
LOM Compass Locator at the Outer Marker
LON Longitude
LORAN Long Range Navigation
LOS Line-Oriented Simulation
LRC Long Range Cruise
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LTG German Air Transport Wing (Lufttransportgeschwader)
LVL CHG Level Change

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M Mach Number
M/ASI Mach/Airspeed Indicator
MAA Maximum Authorized IFR Altitude
MACMid-Air Collision
MAG Magnetic
MAINT Maintenance
MAN Manual
MAP Missed Approach Point
MAR March
MAW Missile Approach Warning
MAX Maximum
MAX CLB Maximum engine thrust for two-engine climb
MAX CRZ Maximum engine thrust for two-engine cruise
MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude
MCDU Multipurpose Control Display Unit
MCLMulti Crew License
MCP Mode Control Panel
MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust
MCW Modulated Continuous Wave
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDL Multipurpose Data Link
MEA Minimum Enroute Altitude
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MET Meterological
MIDAS Multi-discipline Data Analysis System
Mile (engl. Mile = 1,60933 km)
MILSPEC Military Specifications
MIN Minimum
MIN Minutes
MLAManeuver Load Alleviation
MLA ManeuverLimited Altitude
MLE Landing Gear Extended Placard Mach Number
MLS Microwave Landing System
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MMO Mach Max Operating
MMS Missile Management System
MN Magnetic North
MNPSMinimum Navigation Performance Specification
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
MoD Ministry of Defence
MOD Modified/Modification
MODIS Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectrometer
MOE Maintenance Organisation Exposition
Mph Miles per hour
MRA Minimum Reception Altitude
MRCA Multi Role Combat Aircraft
MRM Medium Range Missile
MRT Multi Role Transporter
MRTT Multi Role Transport Tanker
MSG Message
MSL Mean Sea Level
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTO(A) Maintenance Training Organisation (Approval)
MU Management Unit
MWP Meteorological Weather Processor

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N North
N/A Not Applicable
NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NAS National Aircraft Standard
NAS National Airspace System
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATNorth Atlantic (region)
NATCA National Air Traffic Controllers Association
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NAV Navigation
NAVAID Navigational Aid
NBAA National Business Aircraft Association
ND Navigation Display
NDB Non-directional Radio Beacon
NESDIS National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
NGATM New Generation Air Traffic Manager
Nl Engine Revolutions per Minute (percent)
NLM Network Loadable Module
NLR National Research Laboratory (The Netherlands)
NM Nautical Mile (1,85335 km)
NMC National Meteorological Center
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOTAM Notice for Airmen
NRP National Route Program
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
NV / NVE Night Vision, Equipment
NWS National Weather Service
NWS Nose Wheel Steering

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O-QAR Optical Quick Access Recorder
OAG Official Airline Guide
OAT Outside AirTemperature
OATS Orbit and Attitude Tracking
OBTEX Offboard Targeting Experiments
ODAPS Operational OGE Data Acquisition and Patch Subsystem
OEM Original Equipement Manufacturer
OFST Lateral Offset Active Light
OGE Operational Ground Equipment
OIS OGE Input Simulator
OP Operational
Ops Operations
OPT Optimum
OTFP Operational Traffic Flow Planning
OTR Operational Turn Round
OV Overseas National Airways

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P Procedure-Required Tuned NAVAID
PAR Precision Approach Radar
PAWES Performance Assessment and Workload Evaluation
PBD Place Bearing/Distance (way point)
PD Profile Descent
PDB Performance Data Base
PDC Pre Departure Clearance
PERF Performance
PF Pilot Flying
PFD Primary Flight Display
PGB Precision Guided Bomb
PHARE Program for Harmonized ATC Research in Europe
PHIBUF Performance Buffet Limit
PHINOM Nominal Bank Angle
PIREPS Pilot Reports
PMS Performance Management System
PND Primary Navigation Display
PNF Pilot non-flying
POS Position
POS INIT Position Initialization
POS REF Position Reference
PPI Plan Position Indicator
PPL Private Pilot Licence
PPOS Present Position
PREV Previous
PROC Procedure
PROF Profile
PROG Progress Page on MCDU
PROV Provisional
PT Total Pressure
PTH Path
PVD Plan View Display

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QAR Quick Access Recorder
QFEAtmospheric pressure reduced to airport or runway elevation
QNHAtmospheric pressure to sea level
QRH Quick Reference Handbook
QTY Quantity
QUAD Quadrant

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R Right
R/C Rate of Climb
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAD Radial
RAD Radio
RADAR Radio Detection And Ranging
RAF Royal Air Force
RAPS Recovery Access Presentation System
RASCAL Rotorcraft Air Crew Systems Concepts Airborne Laboratory
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force
RCP Radio Control Panel
RCS Radar Cross Section
RDP Radar Data Processing (system)
RECCE Reconnaissance
REF Reference
REQ Request
REQ Required/Requirement
RESTR Restriction
RESYNCING Resynchronizing
rf radio frequency
RFC Royal Flying Corps
RHAW Radar Homing And Warning
RHWR Radar Homing Warning Receiver
RI Radar Image
RMPs Radio Management Panels
RN Royal Navy
RNAF Royal Netherlands Air Force (Koninklijke Luchtmacht)
RNAV Area Navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RTA Required Time of Arrival
RTCA Radio Technical Committee on Aeronautics
RTE Route
RVR Runway Visual Range
RW Runway

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S South
S/A Strike / Attack
S/C Step Climb
SA Semi Active
SA Situation Awareness
SACEUR Supreme Allied Comander Europe
SAM Surface to Air Missile
SAR Search And Rescue
SARP ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
SAT Static Air Temperature
SATCOM Satellite Communications
SBIR Small Business Innovative Research
SEL Selected
SESMA Special Event Search and Master Analysis
shp Shaft Horse Power
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information
SITA Société Internationale Télécommunique Aéronautique
SLAR Side Looking Airborne Radar
SLIR Side Looking Infra Red
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOPA Standard Operating Procedure Amplified
SP Space
SPD Speed Mode
SPS Sensor Processing Subsystem
Sqn Squadron
SRP Selected Reference Point
SSFDR Solid-State Flight Data Recorder
SSM Sign Status Matrix
STAB Stabilizer
STAR StandardTerminal Arrival Route
STC Supplemental Type Certificate
STOL Short Takeoff and Landing
STTR Small Business Technology Transfer Resources
SUA Special Use Airspace
SWAP Severe Weather Avoidance Program

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T/C (TOC) Top-of-Climb
T/D (TOD) Top of-Descent
T/O (TO) Takeoff
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation
TACH Tachometer
TAI Thermal Anti-lce
TAP Terminal Area Productivity
TAS True Air Speed
TAT Total AirTemperature
TATCA Terminal Air Traffic Control Automaiton
TAWSTerrain Awareness and Warning System
TBATo Be Advised
TBD To Be Determined
TBO Time between Overhauls
TBS To Be Specified
TC Type Certificate
TCA Terminal Control Area
TCAS Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance System
TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheet
TDWR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar
TEMP Temperature
TFM Traffic Flow Management
TFRTerrain Folowing Radar
TGT Target
THDG True Heading
THR Thrust
THR HOLD Throttle Hold
TIAS True Indicated Airspeed
TKE TrackAngle Error
TMA Traffic Management Advisor
TMC Thrust Management Computer
TMF Thrust Management Function
TMU Traffic Management Unit
TN True North
TO EPR Takeoff Engine Pressure Ratio
TO Nl Takeoff Engine Fan Speed
TOD Top of Descent
TOGA Takeoff/Go-Around
TOT Total
TRA Thrust Reduction Altitude
TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility.
TRANS Transition
TRK Track (to a NAVAID)
TRU True
TSO Technical Standard Order
TSRV Transport Systems Research Facility
TT Total Temperature
TURB Turbulence

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UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UHF Ultra-high Frequency
USAF United States Air Force
USAFE United States Air Force Europe
USMC United States Marine Corps
USN United States Navy

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V Velocity
V/S Vertical Speed/Vertical
V/STOL Vertical/Short Take Off and Landing
V/TRK Vertical Track
V2 Takeoff Climb Velocity
VA Design Maneuvering Speed
VA Heading to an Altitude
VAR Variation
VAR Visual-aural Radio Range
VAR Volt-amps Reactive
VASIVisual Approach Slope Indicator
VC Design Cruising Speed
VCMAX Active Maximum Control Speed
VCMIN Active Minimum Control Speed
VD Design Diving Speed
VD Heading to a DME distance
VF Design Flap Speed
VFE Flaps Extended Placard Speed
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VFXR(R) Flap Retraction Speed
VFXR(X) Flap Extension Speed
VG Ground Velocity
VGND Ground Velocity
VH Maximum Level-flight Speed with Continuous Power
VHF Very-high Frequency
VHRR Very High-Resolution Radiometer
VISSR Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer
Vl Critical Engine Failure Velocity (Takeoff Decision Speed)
Vl Heading to a course intercept
VLA Very Light Aeroplane
VLE Landing Gear Extended Placard Airspeed
VLO Maximum Landing Gear of Operating Speed
VLOF Lift-off Speed
VLR Very Light Rotorcraft
Vls Lowest Selectable Airspeed
VM Heading to a manual termination
VM(LO) Minimum Maneuver Speed
VMAX Basic Clean Aircraft Maximum CAS
VMC Minimum Control Speed with Critical Engine Out
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VMIN Basic Clean Aircraft Minimum CAS
VMO Velocity Max Operating
VNAV Vertical Navigation
VNE Velocity Never Exceed
VNO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed
VOM Volt-ohm-milliammeter
VOR VHF OmniRange Navigatgion System
VORTAC VHF Omni Range Radio/Tactical Air Navagation
VPATH Vertical Path
VR Heading to a radial
VR Takeoff Rotation Velocity
VREF Reference Velocity
VS Design Speed for Maximum Gust Intensity
VSCS Voice Switching and Control System
VSI Stalling Speed in a Specified Flight Configuration
VSO Stalling Speed in the Landing Configuration
VTK Vertical Track Distance
VTOL Vertical Takeoff and Landing
VTR Variable Takeoff Rating
VU Utility Speed
VX Speed for Best Angle of Climb
VY Speed for Best Rate of Climb

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W West
W/MOD With Modification of Vertical Profile
W/STEP With Step Change in Altitude
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WBC Weight and Balance Computer
WINDMG Wind Magnitude
WINDR Wind Direction
WMSC Weather Message Switching Center
WMSCR Weather Message Switching Center Replacement
WPT Way point
WT Weight
WX Weather
WXR Weather Radar

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X-BAND Frequency range between 8000 and 12500 MHz
XCVR Transceiver
XFR Transfer
XLTR Translater
XM External Master
XMIT Transmit
XMITR Transmitter
XPD ATC Transponder (also XPDR, XPNDR, TPR)
XTK Crosstrack (cross track error)

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YD Yaw Damper
YSAS Yaw Stability Augmentation System

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Z Zulu (GMTtime)
ZFW Zero Fuel Weight
ZNY New York Air Route Traffic Control Center

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