Cessna 172 Skyhawk [Photo ID: 2982]

Cessna C172E Skylab Escola de Aviacao PT-LOI 172-51639  Santos Dumont Airport, Rio de Janeiro (SBRJ / SDU) 2010-01-18 � Hartmut Ehlers, ID 2982

Cessna C172E   [ technical data ]
Skylab Escola de Aviacao
Registration: PT-LOI
c/n: 172-51639
Built 1964; Picture taken after happy landing on runway 20R with photographer as PIC: another exotic flight log entry.

Santos Dumont Airport, Rio de Janeiro (SBRJ / SDU), Brazil, 2010-01-18

Photographer: Hartmut Ehlers, Germany
upload date: 2010-02-08

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